Learn about Copyright Law at Libraries’ Workshops
Faculty and graduate students engaged in knowledge creation want others to respect the materials they have created while at the same time they need to know how to use materials created by others in their teaching and research. These two workshops are intended to provide a basic understanding of copyright law fundamentals, encourage dialogue about “real-life” situations encountered by participants, and cover the resources available to those who need more help.
The first workshop, YOUR Copyrights: Care and Feeding, offered this fall quarter, focuses on how faculty and graduate students can protect their own copyrights. It will be held on October 30th at 11:30am-1pm in Langson Library 570.
The second workshop, Respect the Copyrights of Others, offered during the spring quarter, will help participants understand how copyright law affects their use of the work of others and how they can legally use these materials.
For further information about the workshops and copyright resources and assistance available from the Libraries, please contact Cathy Palmer, Head of Education and Outreach (x44972 or cpalmer@uci.edu), or Kristine Ferry, Head of Access Services (x40474 or kferry@uci.edu).